Telpa baudai


Atstāj atsauksmi

Visas atsauksmes

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Rated 0.0 out of 5
11. October, 2023

I recently had the privilege of experiencing a truly transformative tantric massage at Telpa baudai. The artistry and skill demonstrated were far beyond ordinary, and the session was both enlightening and deeply rejuvenating.

Some, without the right knowledge, may mistakenly view tantra as just another sexual act. Indeed, in less reputable massage parlors, one might find such superficial experiences. However, if you’re in pursuit of authenticity and a profound connection to the essence of tantra, Telpa baudai is the ideal starting point for your transformative journey. This isn’t merely about a physical act but about evolving from being just a man to a distinguished and refined gentleman.

During the session, I was guided to heightened sensations and depths of relaxation I hadn’t known were possible. It was more than just a massage; it was a spiritual awakening, teaching me to truly connect with myself, to breathe deeply, and to experience serenity.

For those genuinely seeking an authentic and meaningful tantric experience, I wholeheartedly recommend Telpa baudai. The mastery of this ancient art is palpable here, offering not just a touch, but an embrace for the soul. It’s not about fleeting pleasure but a lasting sensation of being elevated and cherished.

I left feeling as if I were floating, lighter than air, and more in tune with myself than ever before. I am ever grateful for this incredible experience and look forward to my next visit whenever I find myself in Riga.

Dag Cummings

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Rated 0.0 out of 5
17. September, 2023

Rudīte ir atslēga. Atslēga, kura mīl savas durvis. Atslēga, kura saudzīgi un mīloši atslēdz juteklības un pieņemšanas durvis. Lai būtu par atslēgu, ir jāzina durvis. Viņa ir tā, kura zin. Un es viņai uzticos. Pateicībā.


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Rated 0.0 out of 5
6. August, 2023

Uz Telpu baudai nu jau esmu bijusi 12 reizes un šo 12 reižu laikā esmu izaugusi vairāk nekā spēju iedomāties. No cilvēka: 1)ar ne pārāk lielu seksuālo pieredzi – pārsvarā negatīvu, 2)ar problēmām justies droši, 3)ar problēmām paust savas vēlmes un vajadzības seksuālajā jomā. Līdz sievietei, kurai: 1)sanāk un viņa bauda orgasmus, 2)apzinās savu seksuālo pievilcību un tās ietekmi uz citiem, 3)rāda un stāsta, ko un kā viņai vajag. Vēl varbūt nedaudz palicis iemācīties kaifot par savu ķermeni, tā spējām un limitiem. Paldies Telpa baudai un Rudītei par iespēju drošā un zinošā par cilvēka anatomiju, psiholoģiju un seksualitāti vidē izzināt, attīstīties un pilnveidoties. Kā ar visām lieliskajām lietām vienīgais, ko nožēloju, ka šāda iespēja nebija agrāk. Šobrīd jūtos mazliet kā sieviete – dieviete šī apzīmējuma labajā, mīļajā un seksīgajā nozīmē. Un to ir pamanījuši arī apkārtējie. Lai visiem izdodas piedzīvot tādas sajūtas!


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Rated 0.0 out of 5
30. July, 2023

Ceļojums. Pie sevis. Sevī un ar Sevi.

Pateicība Rudītei, Meistarei, kurai atklāties, pat nenojaušot, ka manī ir tik daudz kam ritināties, klāties un slāņoties.

Tik filigrāni izvest cauri dziļiem procesiem.

Atbraucu kā pumpurs, aizbraucu izplaucis Zieds! Šis ir drosmīgs, tomēr patiesi skaists solis savā brīnumiem pilnajā kosmosā, pieņemot savas skaistās bērzu birzis un tumšās alejas, kas izgaismojās, visam ir vieta būt! Jā, caur gārdzieniem, smiekliem un asarām… Un procesi turpinās un jauni sākas, un mainīties, vērot ir tāds kaifs. Arī sāpēs ir tā dzīvības sula jūtama, ka tuvojies mājām!

Pateicībā un Mīlestībā.


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Rated 0.0 out of 5
18. July, 2023

I have been wanting to try Tantra for a long time but did not find anybody I was comfortable to try it out with. But the sensual feelings I was having when I went to a regular massage was something I wanted to explore freely.

I found Rudite on Facebook (Telpa baudai) and decided to be in touch with her to see if she would be the one to help me learn and explore these feelings I was experiencing.

I felt right away that she was the one to go to. She was very professional and the Tantra session was out of this world. What I experienced with her was beautiful on both physical and emotional state and I am still flying on a cloud after the session. I feel so much lighter both physically and emotionally and I have a clear head towards things I was having problem with before I went to her.

If you are thinking of trying Tantra I recommend Rudite highly and if you decide to go to her, be ready to experience something out of this world.

Thank you Rudite and until next time, be safe and enjoy life.
